標題:美語部外師---Antonio 日期:2015-01-30
 Hi! my name is Antonio. I was born in Chile, South America. I spent my childhood and teenage years in a quiet town called Talca. At the age of 19 I left my hometown with the purpose of starting college in the capital of the country, Santiago.  I majored in English and French, and soon after graduating I traveled to Brazil in order to learn Portuguese.
       To earn my life I worked as a tour guide in the wonderful city of Riode Janeiro. Then, 5 years later I moved to the capital of Amazon jungle, Manaus. During the 3 years I spent there I worked as a jungle tour guide. Afterwards, I decided to hit the road again. I set off on a train journey across Europe. I landed in London in 1990. With the intention of brushing up on English I took and passed the English Proficiency Examination, taken by the University of Cambridge, which entitles me to teach English around the world.
In London I met Vicky Yang from Taiwan, who later would become my wife. I arrived here in 1993, since then I have been teaching English at different branches of Sesame Street Schools throughout the city. I have been very happy living here.
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