標題:美語部教師---Ms. Betty Lin 日期:2015-01-01

Hi! I’m Betty. I’ve been teaching young kids English for 10 years. The improvements and the trust from students are always the greatest supports to me as being a teacher. During this period of time, I also found that making the kids enjoy the classes is the most efficient way toward their learning. It’s also the goal that I’m working hard for.
    As for me, it was scared to learn a language that I don’t really understand when I was a little girl. I met my first English teacher when I was grade 6 in elementary school. She was really patient and tried to use kinds of activities to get all the students involved. The most importantly, she was always nice and gave me encouragement a lot. I loved English and became more confident since then. I’m glad to become a member at Sesame Street Hai-Shan School . I’m looking forward to leading my kids to experience and enjoy English. Let’s work hard!
嗨! 我是Betty。從事英語教學工作已經14年了。孩子們的進步跟信任一直是支持我任教最大的力量。在這段教學期間內,我也深刻體認到唯有讓孩子愛上並且享受學習才是最有效率的方式。小時候,真正要踏入教室學習一個我完全不懂的語言是恐懼的。但我在小六時遇到了我的第一個英文老師,她上課時用了許多好玩的活動讓每一位學生都能參與並享受課程,而且老師常常溫柔地給予我們鼓勵。從那時候,我也更有自信也更愛學習英文。很開心能夠成為芝麻街海山分校的成員之一。我也期待要和孩子們一同體驗英文享受學習英文的樂趣,就讓我們一起加油吧!

Betty Lin 林宛諺 老師 
元智大學 英語英語系畢
曾任 何嘉仁美語 英文老師 

2011年 海山分校教師
芝蔴街美語 海山分校 
具芝蔴街A~F 級 全級數教學經驗

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