標題:美語部組長--Ms. Ashley Wang 日期:2020-09-16

Hi! My name is Ashley, I graduated from Peking University and was chosen as the excellent graduate student of 2019. I always loved to jump out of my comfort zone and try different kinds of events. I participated in exchange student programs when I was a high school student. What’s more? I was chosen to be the exhange student for my university to the US when I was senior. I part timed as teacher assistant in cram schools and tutored elementary school and junior high school students. I always believed in learning through playing. Watching my students enhance their skills bit by bit is the best thing of teaching. Let’s forge ahead!
嗨!我是Ashley Wang,於北京大學資訊工程學系取得工程碩士學位並獲得2019年優秀畢業生的殊榮。求學經歷豐富,高中時曾至法國交換學生;大學時,至美國賓州交換學生。求學時曾擔任補習班隨班助教及家教,學生年齡從幼稚園小朋友至高中都有。希望以活潑的教學方式不斷地提升孩子們的英文能力,更重要的是讓他們在學習的過程中愛上英文。在上課的同時,玩中學習,激發孩子們學習的樂趣。
Ashley Wang 王意涵
曾任 幼稚園至高中生 英文家教
2010年至法國Lycée International des Pontonniers 交換學生
2015年至美國Juniata College 交換學生

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