標題:美語部教師---Ms. Lillian Yeh 日期:2015-01-08

Hi, I’m Lillian. I graduated from English Literature Department of Providence University in 1999. I started being an English teacher when I was a senior. Since then, I have a career in the teaching field that spanned more than 10 years. I’ve taught in Hess, Kid Castle and Gram. I’m fond of children and enjoy getting along with them. Seeing children’s progress is a great pleasure for me. Language is the key to the world.  I truly believe make students enjoy learning is the best way to achieve the goal. It’s an honor to be a member of Sesame Street Hai-Shan School. I’m looking forward to the learning journey with my students.
看到孩子的進步是我工作中的一大樂事。語言是通往世界的鑰匙. 我真心相信讓學生享受學習是達成學習目標的最好方式。

Lillian Yeh 葉明蓉 
靜宜大學英國語文學系 畢 
曾任何嘉仁/吉的堡/格蘭英語機構 美語教師 美語教務編輯等工作
2014年 海山分校教師 

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