標題:美語部-Teacher Linda 日期:2015-12-23

Hi, friends. My name is Linda. Below is a brief introduction of me.
I started teaching English in Sesame Street very early, then I went
to the other chain and now I’m back to Sesame Street. Thank to
Sesame Street chain directors. 
Languages are charming to me. They are just like magic or you could
say they are beautiful kaleidoscopes. Using vowels and consonants,
you can create million words, actually sounds. They are fascinating
like music, dancing and paintings. If you learn English well, you must
learn Japanese quickly, so do other languages. Kids are so much fun.
Teaching them is my big pleasure and honor to God deeply.

Linda 曹麗文 老師
國立台彎藝術學院 畢
曾在美國Fort Hays States University (FHSU) 福特喜斯州立大學
及State University of New York at New Paltz紐約州立大學新帕爾茲分校

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