標題:美語部-Teacher Dory 日期:2015-12-23
 Hi! My name is Dory. I graduated from Aletheia University. English is always one of my favorite things. I am also a mother for my two girls. I had been communicating and working with many North American native speakers for more than 15 years. I see parts of the world through the magic windows of English. I always love kids and enjoy teaching and leading the children to be familiar with all English atmospheres. Being a teacher is just like being a coach, to show and teach the students the magic of English, inspire and encourage them to keep moving on studying, building up the well discipline. Sometimes, with a little push. I look forward to exploring the new aspect of English with the kids.
        Hi! 我是Dory!畢業於真理大學外國語文學系。英語一直是我的最愛的事物之一。我也是兩個女孩的媽媽。在我過往的工作歲月裡,我持續的使用英語與美國人互動合作超過15年以上。英語之窗也載著我看過了些許的世界!我很愛小孩,也很享受一邊教學一邊讓孩子習慣全英語的環境與互動方式. 一位英語老師也像是一位教練,藉由良好的紀律習慣建立,除了向學生展現英語的魔力之外,有時也會需要不著痕跡的推一把來激勵與鼓勵學生持續學習! 期待與孩子們一起學習與探索有關英語的新的一面!
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